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Profiles in Courage: Tavistock GIDS (UK)

“The story of what happened at Tavistock is the story of how a small group of whistleblowers—doctors, nurses, parents and patients, together with the help of journalists and reporters—were able to relentlessly expose activist-driven medicine that they knew was irresponsible. It’s also an object lesson for others who are deeply concerned about a one-size-fit-all approach to transgender healthcare and wonder what they should do about it.” 


UK Whistleblower Sue Evans, “How Tavistock Came Tumbling Down


In the United Kingdom, whistleblowers played a critical role in bringing attention to concerning practices within the youth Gender Identity Services (GIDS) clinic of the National Health Service (NHS). Some of the first whistleblowers include Sue and Marcus Evans, and later David Bell. Sue Evans went on to play a role in the UK judicial review involving former GIDS patient and detransitioner Keira Bell, This judicial review led to the Cass Review, an independent report on the Tavistock GIDS program, the findings of which called for the closing and reorganization of the GIDS clinic. A year later, the NHS also announced that puberty blockers would be restricted to children enrolled in clinical trials.


In February 2023, BBC Newsnight journalist Hannah Barnes published “Time to Think: The Inside Story of the Collapse of the Tavistock's Gender Service for Children.” This groundbreaking book tells the story of the GIDS service from its inception to its demise, and highlights the voices of Tavistock whistleblowers who worked as clinicians within the youth gender service. 


Read the stories of some of the Tavistock whistleblowers below. 


Dr. Anna Hutchington


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Anastassis Spiliadis


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