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Meet The Leadership Team


Jamie Reed
Executive Director

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BA, MS Clinical Research. Whistleblower from the pediatric gender industry.

Gay woman, married to a trans man.


Derek Turner
Strategy Director

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Derek Turner is a gay man and Democratic Party campaign consultant. He's a technologist and graduate of Stanford University.


Aaron Kimberly
Public Engagement Director

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Aaron is a lesbian who was medicalized in 2006. She is a mental health nurse, a gender dysphoria specialist and former Director of the Gender Dysphoria Alliance


Ben Appel
Communications Director

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Ben is a gay man. He earned his BA from Columbia University. He is a skilled and compassionate author and journalist.

Meet The Board


Dr Julia Mason

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Julia Mason MS MD is a board-certified pediatrician, fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics and founding board member of the Society for Evidence Based Gender Medicine.


Moti Gorin
Vice Chairperson

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Moti Gorin has a PhD in philosophy from Rice University and a Master of Bioethics from the University of Pennsylvania.

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